NerdFeed is now active!
Hey, guys! This is just an announcement letting you know that NerdFeed is now active! If you have a nerd-based event in Colorado that you would like the world to know about, send us a message on our Facebook page! As is posted on our “About Us” page, we will only be covering events in Colorado in 2017. However, we hope to expand to surrounding areas beginning in March of next year.
If you are interested in what NerdFeed is all about and want to help us expand, hold on tight! We will have volunteer applications and a donation option available soon!
Let us know what you think so far! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, feedback, or ideas for NerdFeed, message us on Facebook.
We will also have a login and signup option available soon. We’re still working out the kinks!
Thank you so much to everyone for your patience. We really do appreciate it!